What do you get when
you put two and two together?

A disgruntled comic book artist,
his formerly estranged sister,
and the man they both love,
(oh yeah, and a rumpled teddy bear).
“Two and Two Together” is the story of Tommy Hanson, a comic book artist with a security bear and fixation on a certain fictional man of steel.
As the play opens, Tommy is reeling from traumatic news about his childhood friend—something for which Tommy blames himself… and his father.
To further complicate matters, Tommy soon meets—and is attracted to a mild-mannered stranger named David Sharpe… who happens to be dating Tommy’s sister Rachel.
David’s entrance into Tommy’s life is the first step on the road to forgiveness, and to the acceptance that the past could not have been any different.
Below is a live staged reading recorded on April 18, 2020 through the Zoom platform.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1A-AN9ok6U[/embedyt]